“Quick, go get your food before the commercials come back on.”
For millions of Americans, the Super Bowl broadcast has become a time to watch the best Madison Avenue has to offer, and to check in on the last football game of the year, too.
And advertisers are quite interested in what we think of their ads, and this year they want to feel the pulse of the blogosphere. This, from Frank Barnako, of MarketWatch:
“While you watch the Super Bowl, dozens of online-savvy consumers and Web loggers will be watching the Net to see how the game's TV commercials are playing in Peoria. Intelliseek Inc. of Cincinnati and New Media Strategies of Arlington, Va., have lined up dozens of people to surf Web sites, blogs and message boards to get a fast read on the effectiveness and popularity of marketers' commercials. With TV costing as much as $2.4 million for a 30-second spot, companies want to know whether their money was spent wisely.
"Conversations all over the Internet, from message boards to blogs and beyond, now allow us to get a true pulse in real time," said New Media Strategies Chief Executive Pete Snyder in a statement. His firm is doing a similar monitoring process of the entertainment industry and the Oscars contest.”
We’ll play along and poll our Super Bowl Party guests on their opinions of the commercials, rating them on best overall, most creative, most effective in promoting product, and “good taste.” We’ll post the results.
--James Jewell
I think it's interesting that this year there is a show immediately following the game that consists of all the commercials shown during the game. Now I've lost the only reason I had for watching the game.
YanıtlaSilHi, I was just blog surfing and found you! If you are interested, go see this History related article. It isnt anything special but you may find it interesting.
YanıtlaSilWell Rooftop MediaWorks, quality blogging comes from people who put the energy into their blog like you have. It was a nice change to land on your blog, lots of others are junked up with useless comments and information. I put a lot of energy into my used surf boards site, so it does pretty well with used surf boards stuff. I think I'll re-create my blog because I like what you've done here and want mine to be more like yours. Thanks for the lesson in good bloggin. You get a special bookmark :)
YanıtlaSilhave a fantastic day..
You have a great blog! I'm definitely going to bookmark. I found a site credit with a great article I think you'll like.
YanıtlaSilHi, you almost lost me for one second there... but I'm glad I didn't click away. First, I enjoyed your post, and second, maybe you can help. I don't know how much blog spam you get but I get tons on my blog. Most of the time I'm talking about surf board stuff because I have a surf board website, and people post all this junk with their links and stuff. As blog owners, I guess we'll always be subject to the unethical and inconsiderate. Well, hopefully it's not driving you to crazy... Good luck partner, enjoy the positives friend.
YanıtlaSilBye ~
Rooftop MediaWorks, I need a little inspiration... I've read your post 'Rating Super Bowl Commercials ', I enjoyed it so I decided to comment. I've been thinking about my blog and how there are all these people posting strange comments there. Maybe you understand, I'm not sure, but it's tiring to read the numbers of comments that don't have much to do with my stuff. My normal new surf boards website never suffers this because it just sells new surf boards and isn't a blog. Do you have any ideas for how to stop the cluttering of non-relevant comments? Thanks for your great blog. Tips are always welcome...
YanıtlaSilgood day -
Well Rooftop MediaWorks, quality blogging comes from people who put the energy into their blog like you have. It was a nice change to land on your blog, lots of others are junked up with useless comments and information. I put a lot of energy into my new surf board site, so it does pretty well with new surf board stuff. I think I'll re-create my blog because I like what you've done here and want mine to be more like yours. Thanks for the lesson in good bloggin. You get a special bookmark :)
YanıtlaSilhave a fantastic day..
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YanıtlaSilNice site!
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