Joel Osteen, the pastor of America’s largest church, is preaching about having a better attitude, about being blessed if you’re properly motivated, about doing well financially. There’s one problem. He isn’t preaching about Jesus Christ, and he isn’t preaching the Gospel. Not even a confused Gospel. Sin is never mentioned. Apparently you can attend for weeks without hearing the name Jesus (except as a prayer salutation) from the pulpit.
If half of what Michael Spencer is writing about at Internet Monk is accurate, Osteen is a frightening presence in pop religion. Michael is calling for Osteen to be blogged-out. Check out his research and do some of your own. I know I will.
--James Jewell
Amen, Jim. I picked up a copy of Pastor Osteen's book at Sam's the other day. Judging by the chapter titles, it was very much about what we can do to help ourselves, as though God was obligated to bless those who lived according to the right formula.
YanıtlaSilWhat was distressing was the feedback I got when I posted about Osteen. Other believers were very distressed that I would take issue with someone as "warm" and "caring", who has such "a heart for the Lord".
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
I haven't seen all that much of Joel Osteen, but I've seen enough to know he is another in a long line of preachers that present God as "the great facilitator" and not the Holy Lord that he is. He is almost robotlike in his delivery, blinking at certain preordained times, smiling the choir boy smile at certain's hard to imagine a discerning christian taking this guy seriously.
YanıtlaSilFor some of us, Joel Osteen's message is a breath of fresh air. I am Catholic but have recently had my doubts about continuing in the Catholic faith. Even though Joel Osteen is considered to be more of a "motivational speaker", his sermons are uplifting, and send a good message. People in my circle and age group (mid 30's)no longer are interested in going to church (only speaking of Catholic masses). It's boring, and even depressing, with the music and repetitive chanting that they do. If I can hear about God, and the things the Bible teaches us without wanting to fall asleep, then it's a good thing! I hope and pray that Joel stays successful. I truly enjoy him!
YanıtlaSilI am also one of 30 something crowd, raised in the bible thumping, hell and damnation, pastor ranting and banging on the pulpit of the southern baptist religion. And frankly, I'm tired of it. I realize whole heartedly that there are some people who have so little self control and intellect that they NEED that kind of sermon to keep themselves in line and on the right path. I, however, don't have to be drilled weekly on "Hell Is Hot" sermons to be a religious person.
YanıtlaSilAnd for that reason have lately skipped out on the weekly lecture. I've been looking for something else. Something more. I've found it in several avenues. One is Joel Osteen. His sermons are positive, uplifting and actually helpful. Where other preachers deliver the message of don't do this, don't do that, and never do this because it's bad, bad, bad. Joel says here is an example of what to do and how to do it. He really makes you want to go out and be that better person. And because he doesn't cram Christ down your throat, his message gets delivered to far more people. He's the leader of a Non-Denominational Church. I believe Osteen actually has a chance to reach a wider section of the population simply because of the way he delivers his sermons.