29 Ocak 2010 Cuma

Rich Cizik Re-emerges with New Partnership for the Common Good

Here's a piece from Newsweek on Obama and the religious moderates (these are really the evangelical liberals).

Watching two good men, Rich Cizik and David Gushee, and their just-announced New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good.
The article reads:

Richard Cizik, the erstwhile lobbyist for the National Association of Evangelicals, has just emerged from hiding after being fired for telling NPR's Terry Gross that he voted for Obama in the primary and supported civil unions. Now, together with David Gushee, an evangelical theologian who has written against torture, Cizik has founded the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, which aims to redefine the Christian agenda. Cizik first met Obama at a June 2008 meeting with evangelical leaders. "I came away exceedingly impressed. But that person, the person I first heard articulate his values—I don't think it's come through as it ought."

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