David Putman
Author of DETOX

David Putman is executive pastor of Mountain Lake Church in Cumming, Georgia, north of Atlanta. Before writing Detox, Putman was the co-author of Breaking the Missional Code, and author of Breaking the Discipleship Code.
A church planter throughout his ministry, David is co-founder of a church planting organization called churchplanters.com. He is recognized as one of the catalysts of the current church planting movement. He’s been the founding pastor of two churches, and he has coached and trained church planters around the globe.
David loves his family, motorcycles, writing, and hanging out with friends. He says:
“I am a big time family man. I have two awesome kids. My son serves with the 82nd Airborne and recently served in Afghanistan. I’m really proud of him, but I’m really tired of war. I’m praying for peace on earth. My daughter and I are just alike only she’s a good looking version. My wife really is the best person I’ve ever met.”
Prior to his pastoral role at Mountain Lake, David served with the North American Mission Board (SBC), where he developed the Nehemiah Project, a church planting strategy that was used to launch hundreds of church planters in North America.
In 1991 he was a contributing author to Church Planting at the End of the
Twentieth Century by Charles Chaney, writing the chapter, Getting Off to a Big Start. He served as one of the editors and authors of Seven Steps for Church Planting, one of the North American Mission Boards flagship resources.
David lives in Cumming, Georgia, with his wife Tami, their daughter Amanda—who plays collegiate tennis, and their son Dave—who serves in the U.S. Army as a Forward Observer with the 82nd Airborne.
For an interview with David Putman or to book David as a guest, contact Jim Jewell at (678) 458-9837, jjewell03@msn.com
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