16 Haziran 2005 Perşembe

Sacred Music That Makes You Forget the Guitars and Church Choirs

With the popularity of rocking praise bands—which I like, and the prevalence of bad church choirs—which are painful, it is still a great joy to hear sacred music sung at the highest levels of precision and beauty.

We work with the Atlanta Sacred Chorale, probably the nation’s most accomplished choral group dedicated to mostly a capella sacred music.

The Chorale’s last concert was attended by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s arts critic, Pierre Ruhe, which was greeted with pleasure, and some trepidation.

His review in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is mostly good, although I disagree with his characterization of Love Divine, which I found unbelievably inspiring and beautifully presented.

He characterized the ASC’s performance of one piece as “delivered by the chorale with exquisite control and stained-glass vocal colors.” That has a nice ring to it.

--James Jewell

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