3 Kasım 2004 Çarşamba

A Nation United – Finally

I’m hearing all over the news of how this country is “so divided” and that Bush will need to reach out to Democrats to bring unity back to our land.

I’ve heard media and Democrats lament how our country has supposedly never been as divided as it is today, and how they wish we’d all return to our days of unity.

Baloney. It’s all baloney from sore losers. While I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for Kerry and his supporters, who fought so hard for so long, to concede defeat (as it would be for any presidential candidate), I still don’t buy the “nation divided” line, and I regret that he used it in his concession speech today.

Rush Limbaugh has pointed out that those who wax eloquent about the good old days of unity are those who reminisce about liberal unity – the days when the House and Senate were dominated by Dems for 40 years, and when the media backed them up with their own brand of liberal truth masked as “journalism.”

But even then, the nation was as divided as it is today, as is evident by presidential elections. There were no presidents elected by 70 or 80 percent margins; it was always somewhere around 52-48…always a nation divided virtually in half. When Reagan won in what was called a landslide, he won with only about 58 percent of the vote. Even with that “landslide,” he still was not given a GOP Congress. It was a nation divided.

When Clinton was president, the nation was divided. He was elected by less than a majority of Americans – more than 50 percent of America voted against him. And two years after his election, the nation became even more divided when they changed the look of Congress, and gave Clinton a fully GOP dominated House and Senate.

Where were the cries then for Clinton to “reach out” to the Republicans, or to the majority of America that voted against him? Where were the cries of a nation divided then?

The din of the collective liberal whining about “a nation divided” only came when Bush and Gore took to the campaign trails in 2000, and media and the Dems realized America liked Bush, and there was a danger that we could have a Republican president, House, and Senate. Gore created the catastrophe of the 2000 election mess in Florida – a useless and childish political temper tantrum that only confirmed again and again that Bush won Florida. Gore and his cronies had no desire for unity, or else they would have graciously accepted the heartbreaking loss of the Electoral College votes while winning the popular vote. They screamed of disunity, as they faced their worst nightmare – a Republican president, House, and Senate.

(By the way, major kudos to John Kerry and his team who have decided not to follow in Al Gore’s litigious footsteps from 2000, and to accept the will of the voters. I’m utterly and pleasantly shocked, and I greatly respect Kerry’s decision to let it go.)

The fact is that we finally are a nation united. President Bush has won re-election by almost 4 million votes, or 51% of the popular vote. The House and Senate have both gained Republican seats, strengthening their already-existing majority. We again have a Republican president, House, and Senate. And Republican governors now total 27, as opposed to 21 Democratic governors. In my state of Georgia, Republicans now have a majority in the State House and Senate – a first in our state since Reconstruction. We also have a Republican governor who was elected 2 years ago, also a first in Georgia since Reconstruction. The Southern Zell Miller Democrat is now a Republican.

It just doesn’t get much more unified than that.

Dems are calling for Republicans to reach out to them now and unite the country. Who are they to demand that?! News flash - they lost. Again.

No, it’s now time for them – the liberals – to do the reaching out to the majority of the country.

It’s time for Dems and the media and Hollywood to realize that we are a united country – united in purpose and goal around current Republican values.

If there is to be healing, it is for them to begin facilitating it. They not only drew first blood, they drew second, third, and fourth blood, even without retaliation by their victims. Their unconscionable slanderous and libelous lies were created and used for the past four years --actually, quite a bit longer, but especially during this election cycle –to divide us further, and to inflict mortal wounds on those who dared to oppose them. It is for them to begin administering first aid – or better yet, to provide the surgeons necessary to heal the wounds they chose to inflict on our country.

But their attacks failed, thank God. And despite their best efforts to slice us in two, we are a country united…finally.

--Debbie Payton

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