18 Ocak 2005 Salı


We’re driving to Washington for the inauguration. Although I lived there for 14 years, I still get a rush when I turn the corner onto the Roosevelt Bridge and see the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and the Mall straight ahead. Security barriers are making travel and sightseeing more difficult. With the inauguration, it’s going to be really tough.

Colby at Words moans as the barricades around the Jefferson Memorial are becoming permanent, and adds: “I want to be able to visit the Washington Monument without squeezing through a barricade and slipping past guards with high-powered rifles. America does have to work hard in a post-9/11 world to make sure that we are not "open" but at some point the questions have to be raised about what is suitable for us to live with. How much of our access do we limit in order to protect? Wouldn't these barricades be better served on the border with Mexico? It's a bit like putting up a fence directly around your house rather than around your yard.”

--James Jewell

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