[I am working on a project that may become a book on the most influential evangelicals leaders of our generation, since 1976, and the impact they've had on the church and their times. I will introduce them briefly on this blog from time to time.]
#21 William Lane Craig. Apologist. b. 1949
It appears that William Lane Craig spends most of his time exercising his body, trim and taut at 61, with a crushing handshake and bodybuilder’s swagger. Would that were true for his unfortunate debate opponents over the years. Despite his physical presence, Craig has clearly spent more time in the library than the gym. He is the super heavyweight of Christian apologetics, arguing for the existence of God, the historicity of the resurrection of Christ, and other profound truths in the most august settings and against the best atheism has to offer.
As Craig presents a “progressive, systematic case for the existence of God” in his work, he provides the intellectual heft necessary not just to defend but to provide strong evidence of the first and foundational proposition of Christian belief, the proposition that God is.
Craig is a seasoned debater—often on university campuses—and he has crossed mental swords with the likes of Christopher Hitchens, and he has famously taunted Richard Dawkins for cowering away from opportunities to debate Craig on the existence of God.
Craig authored The Kalam Cosmological Argument, which is today the most published work presenting a philosophical argument for theism. Craig has been called “the finest Christian apologist of the last half century.” He is currently a Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology and Biola University. He is one of the few evangelicals who has made it his life and career apply academic rigor to the questions of Christian truth and in mind-to-mind combat civilly devastated the learned opponents of faith.
--Jim Jewell
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