When you engage in public relations as a non-profit organization, every move must be strategic and thoughtful. The road to visibility can be long and arduous, and there is nothing more important than your integrity and your reputation. For more than three decades, we have been providing counsel and service to organizations and public figures in the Christian and non-profit sectors. We’ll unfold ten things we’ve learned.
#3 Be Relevant
Not everyone can be involved in hurricane relief or aid in a war zone, or connect to the latest technological wonder, but no one in ministry should go about business as if the hurricanes and wars don’t happen and people aren’t fascinated by techology. If it is to be a go-to source of information, an organization must stay in tune with the topics in the nation's headlines and the buzz in the national conversation.
In addition to making you a more viable media source, this is certainly important for program relevance, and also to help you present your story to your constituency. Connections between your story and current news must be true and plausible--the tie-in cannot appear to be forced. But remember that the more relevant, the more likely there will be interest, coverage, and support.
So stay in touch with the world unfolding around you and describe how you relate to it. Connect your work with issues, problems, and cultural signposts that are already capturing the attention of the people important to you.
Jim Jewell
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