The most important thing you need to know about communicating publicly is that everything has changed while the important matters are entirely the same.
Let me explain.
The ways people receive news and information and the ways they interact have changed substantially, with blinding speed. Fewer and fewer people are reading newspapers and magazines, and not as many are tuning into television and radio. Internet based media are an increasingly popular source, although even those offerings had better be quick. Mail campaigns are emailed. Followers are twitterers and it’s hard to distinguish the leaders. We’re connecting with far more people than we ever have through social networks, and there has never been less community or socialbility.
This impacts many aspects of the work of public relations and communications—what we say and how we say it. Certainly we need to feel the heartbeat of rising generations and learn and use the communications vehicles of the digital age, whether we personally like them or not.
Yet at the same time, timeless communication principles are still at work, and we have to master them and practice them with regularity. The core of a mission is its identity-- who you are, your brand. When it comes to branding, we have to hit mark and communicate it with such clarity that we cannot possibly be misunderstood. We still need to write and speak and project in concise and compelling ways. Content still counts. It’s not as important that you say something everyday—through posts, tweets, status updates, links, and texts—as it is that what you say is important.
For a cause to be widely praised and supported over a long period, you must be known for regularity of your core principles, including:
--Integrity of your program and the veracity of your assertions
--Passion of your people toward the work at hand and the resulting deep, even sacrificial, commitment
--Authentic human drama that captures hearts and minds
At Rooftop, we are prepared to help you with these challenges. We are reinventing all we do to maximize the tools of the day, and we believe this will complement skills and lessons we’ve learned through more than 30 years of public relations service in the Christian community.
Jim Jewell
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