Human Events writer John Gizzi covered the EEN visit to SC, still amazed that pro-life, pro-family evangelicals are pro-creation. He'll get used to it. Gizzi writes:
Columbia, S.C.: The ten twentysomethings on the steps of the Capitol brandish buttons reading "Stop Global Warming." They admire Sens. John Warner (R.-VA) and Joe Lieberman (D.-CT) for sponsoring major legislation to deal with the issue of global warming and believe the European Union has done an "incredible job" in addressing this subject. They love the Endangered Species Act and several hope for "the rebuilding of cities so the poor people don't have to spend so much on their cars to get around."
A rally for Greenpeace? A reunion of Al Gore's presidential campaign workers? No, this was a gathering of strong evangelical Christians, to a person pro-life and believing marriage is between a man and woman. But, tired of being linked only to those issuesand believing that we should be good stewards of the planet as much as being for life and traditional marriage, these young Christians have mobilized into the Evangelical Environmental Network.
Global warming is a fear tactic used by the elites to control its New World Order.
YanıtlaSilI guess theists are finally waking up to the fact that there is no massive conspiracy of "tree-huggers" and scientists to turn technology back to the 18th century to save nature BS. That actually they really are concerned about the planet...
YanıtlaSilI still think theists find themselves in the anti-environmentalist camp just because they mostly follow the conservatives and because the conservative politicians are mostly funded by corporations with interest that would be hurt by environmentalism (Halliburton anyone?).