At Blogicus, Tim says:
Christian parents are concerned about the promotion of homosexual marriage in the classrooms of their children, and they should be. However, this latest controversy reveals something much worse: the ethical bankruptcy of the school system, the forcible indoctrination of students and the illegitimate acceptance of the government as the source ethical truth.
The easy answer is to get your kids out of public school. But that is also a cop-out answer. We should not capitulate so easily, for it is our tax dollars at work. And private schools or homeschooling is not an option for all parents. These are issues worth some civil discourse and, like Mr. Parker, even civil disobedience.
--James Jewell
What exactly is wrong with a book that reflects the reality of a community so that all children can see themselves and their family represented? Do you want to shame the children who live in non-traditional families because their parents do not conduct their sexual lives as you would have them? Surely not.
YanıtlaSilPerhaps you're too young to remember the kind of teasing that happened in elementary schools of the fifties and sixties, the shaming that went with being seen as 'different.' The problem today is not that schools have no values, but that, like you, they give some values greater weight others. The value of inclusion of all children trumps all.