25 Mart 2005 Cuma

How Can I Help Terri Schiavo?

We received a plaintiff email from Sarah in Tuscon asking: “How do I protest for Terri Schiavo in my area?” I know individuals throughout the nation feel powerless as every effort to save Terri’s life is turned aside. Honestly, the best thing you can do today is pray that God will intervene in the affairs of man and deliver Terri from evil. Continue to rattle the sabers of truth: write and call media and your elected representatives, telling them that you do not want Terri to be starved to death.

But regardless of whether Terri is spared, the work has just begun. Here are a few suggestions on what you should do in honor of Terri and all those who cannot protect their own lives:

1. Call for and support conservative candidates for judicial appointments.

2. Work for a return to a balance of power through a reduction in the strength of the judiciary. Mark Levin’s new book Men in Black has a number of good ideas on this.

3. Support legislation in your state that would require a living will to remove life support and a preference for life if one is not found.

4. Support politicians who worked to save Terri Schiavo, particularly if there actions reflect a consistent ethic of life.

--James Jewell

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