“I have worked closely with Rich Cizik over the last three years on evangelical responses to climate change, and our firm has represented the Washington office of the NAE on a variety of issues. Rich’s work on behalf of evangelicalism over the decades has been vital to its influence and impact during this time.
Perhaps his greatest contribution in recent years has been the broadening of the evangelical public agenda beyond a few traditional issues; this has been historic and it will be an enduring legacy. The evangelical community is not monolithic, but it does have a center, and Rich’s misstep was not broadening the agenda but-—as a representative of the NAE—-suggesting a shift in that center on traditional evangelical issues of gay marriage and abortion. Rich has a creative and expansive mind and a large heart and his days of public impact are not over. I look forward to his next role and his continuing prophetic voice as an evangelical leader.”
Jim Jewell
Managing Partner
Rooftop MediaWorks